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Dukung Indonesia Sejahtera Melalui Training GRATIS Salesmanship dengan Donasi Anda...

Jumat, Oktober 17, 2008

Salesmanship Corner By Zig Ziglar - ...Prevention - The Best "Cure" For Addiction

Former drug czar William Bennett says there are some things we can do to prevent our kids from ever experimenting with drugs. He says that children who have good lines of communication with their parents, who attend church regularly and engage in extracurricular activities (sports, band, debating team, etc.) seldom try drugs. He also encourages us to keep the kids busy and to remind them that they are moral and spiritual beings. He says to tell them that drug abuse is a degradation of character and the spirit, something not worthy of them.

Drug authority Dr. Forest Tennant adds a couple of significant thoughts. He says that order in a person's life is most helpful. He recommends structure and a schedule centered around positive activities. Things like meals with the family, a regular time to go to bed and to get up, and a definite time to study are very helpful to young people. He also points out that you can teach kids what you know, but you will reproduce what you are. If you experiment with drugs, chances are much higher that your child will experiment with drugs and perhaps become an addict.

Specifically, Dr. Tennant says if your child sees you drinking beer or cocktails, as far as they're concerned you're taking something to reframe your thinking. They will view that as desirable and the concept of drug use becomes acceptable to them. Dr. Tennant points out that tobacco and alcohol are invariably the entrance drugs to illegal drugs. This is reinforced by a September 15, 1989, issue of US NEWS & WORLD REPORT which states that there is seldom, if ever, a case of a person getting involved in illegal drugs who did not start with tobacco and/or alcohol.

William Bennett's suggestions, combined with Dr. Tennant's thoughts, are marvelous guidelines and something for every parent to consider. Think about it, and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Zig Ziglar is a motivator and teacher. He is the author of 27 books and loved by millions of people world wide for his practical wisdom and his gift of hope.

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