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Dukung Indonesia Sejahtera Melalui Training GRATIS Salesmanship dengan Donasi Anda...

Rabu, Oktober 15, 2008

Salesmanship Corner By Zig Ziglar - Dress Up And You'll Feel "Up"

The scene was a beauty contest at the Heritage Manor South Nursing Home in Shreveport, Louisiana. The youngest contestant was 67, the oldest 91. I was the escort for my sister-in-law who, at the time, was 73.

I've never been behind the scenes of a beauty contest before, but this one created incredible excitement. At four p.m. the residents gathered for an early evening meal so they could properly prepare for the seven o'clock beauty contest. Promptly at five o'clock the thirteen contestants headed for the beauty shop where the resident beautician worked her magic. The ladies then retired to their rooms to dress in their best. Later, they gathered in the "holding room" to prepare for their grand entrance.

There was a feeling of anticipation. Some of the contestants sat quietly, others were nervously laughing and talking with each other. Each time anyone commented on how beautiful they looked, the contestants glowed with delight. There was much discussion about who was going to win.

Finally, the contest was on and all too quickly it was over. When the winner was proclaimed there was much applause and enthusiasm. Everyone cheered for her as she proceeded to accept her bouquet of roses and make a speech. Then she sashayed up and down in front of the delighted guests, staff and other contestants. All agreed it was a magnificent evening.

Big deal? You bet it was! For a moment the participants relived their youth. Their obvious delight in being made up, dressed up and made over was a real tonic to their spirits. Yes, we really are social creatures and no matter our age, it helps to "recharge our engines" socially. Nothing shakes up the doldrums like a beauty contest or a family dinner party or a nice evening out. All work and no play truly does make us dull. So, add a little sparkle to your life, dress up, laugh or even giggle, but change your routine. Take this advice and I will SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Zig Ziglar is a motivator and teacher. He is the author of 27 books and loved by millions of people world wide for his practical wisdom and his gift of hope.

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Halo Anton...

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