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Dukung Indonesia Sejahtera Melalui Training GRATIS Salesmanship dengan Donasi Anda...

Rabu, Oktober 15, 2008

Salesmanship Corner by Jeff Gitomer - Help, we’re growing! Help, the market is changing! Help! Change.

When big companies make moves, the results are felt by the people who helped make them big, or helped keep them big, or helped them get bigger. Whether it’s the economy, or a merger, or a “change in comp plan” (aka: reduction in pay), or the introduction of a new product, things change every day in the business world.

In the sales world, things change even faster than that whether your company is big or small.

I want to address some of the elements of change, show the reality of it, and in the process rename the situation to one that is more easily understood by those on the receiving end. You.

Change comes about either by greed, or by taking advantage of opportunity, or by corporate growth, or by evolution to a better way, or by outside economic forces, or from internal economic conditions, or to appease Wall Street (cut costs and increase earnings), or by modernization, or by innovation. And did I mention greed?

Reality bites: “We had to make some tough decisions,” means a hammer is about to fall. “Today we are announcing the merger of…,” means everyone will be in panic mode about their job.

Change brought about by the reasons stated above often brings about a lowered morale inside the company -- especially if management is not communicating well. Low morale also leads to lower productivity, lack of service response, and ultimately, a loss of customers.

Here are a few ways to look at change.

On the bright side:
Change is refinement.
Change is growth.
Change is movement.
Change is acquiring.
Change is upgrading.
Change is opportunity.

On the dark side
Change is eliminating.
Change is terminating.
Change is hiding or avoiding truth.
Change is disappointing.
Change is scary.
Change is morale busting.

In order to be most effective, and have a positive outcome, change must be communicated by leadership in a straight-forward way – not downsize or right-size – it’s layoff and job elimination – and then state the REAL reason – not making enough profit – duplication of title in a merger – lack of sales. Unfortunately, this is rarely done.

Some people are “waiting to see what happens.” Big mistake.

Here is the reality, the remedy, and a few personal rules to help you react to change:
Keep your attitude UP: Rather than “this sucks,” make a plan for what can be done. Make a plan for what you can do. If nothing can be done, or what can be done falls short of your ideals, make a plan to get out.
Keep your thoughts focused on doing your BEST: HINT: In mergers or slower economic times, companies keep their BEST people. Be your best. Instead of “waiting to see what happens,” decide to be your best, ask how you can help, and lead the charge. Set a positive example, and work as hard as you can, so that whatever happens, you’ll always be able to say you did your best until the last minute of the last day.
Keep your mind open to other possibilities: What would you really like to do? Why aren’t you doing that anyway?
Stay away from -- don’t get involved in -- politics and pity parties: Odds are that if you’re dissatisfied with what is happening, so are others. Stay away from groaners, whiners, and other assorted non-solution-oriented people. Waste of your time and energy.
Don’t lose faith. Your outlook on what could or should happen will determine your willingness to work hard now. Faith in yourself and your circumstance will carry the day. Change happens daily. Don’t get nervous – get excited. No matter what happens, the sun will come up tomorrow. Fear of the unknown is always greater than fear of the known. There are no easy answers when you’re in the heat of the fire. Follow your heart, and your wallet will catch up.

NOTE WELL: If you have a family, meet with them and get their ideas and their support. Your family wants the best for you. Talk to them. Get closer to the people you love in times of transition.

BIG AHA! When there is market upheaval, economic uncertainty, or merger, people tend to look inward and ask themselves, “Is my job safe?” and take the appropriate steps to play internal politics or waste their day(s) making sure all is well. The biggest vulnerability in uncertain times is NOT your job – it’s your customers. They are the revenue source that will ultimately provide your job security. Don’t guard your job – guard your customers. Serve them memorably. Sell them more. Keep them loyal. And earn referrals from them.

If you want “change insurance” or “change assurance,” it does not come from your boss. It comes from your customers. Guard them with your life.

I have a list of ideas that will give you a few more action steps to help you cope and thrive. Go to www.gitomer.com, register if you’re a first-time visitor, and enter the word CHANGE in the GitBit box.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Little Red Book of Selling and eight other business books on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts Internet training programs on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development at www.trainone.com. Jeffrey conducts more than 100 personalized, customized seminars and keynotes a year. To find out more, visit www.gitomer.com. Jeffrey can be reached at 704.333.1112 or by e-mail at salesman@gitomer.com

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