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Dukung Indonesia Sejahtera Melalui Training GRATIS Salesmanship dengan Donasi Anda...

Jumat, September 05, 2008

Salesmanship Corner by Laura Laaman - 7 Ways to Recession Proof Your Sales

I am not usually one who thinks, let alone says the "R" word. (OK, I'll say it once so we're all on the same page -- recession.) Even if you believe we are only in the midst of a challenged economy, you have two choices: stick your head in the sand or figure out a way to turn it into opportunity.

Here are seven powerful strategies to make you more money in this and any economy:

1. Make your vision clearer. Take the time to figure out what you want to end up with this year. How much money will you earn? How much will you save? Where will you vacation? This may seem crazy, especially if you are resigning yourself to earning less this year. Heck, maybe you're just hoping you won't be laid off. But by not taking the time to go through this mental exercise -- imprinting your mind with positive visions -- you are more susceptible to buy into the negative news and start making excuses. Before you know it, your fears become reality. Remember, top salespeople are almost never laid off, and if they are, they're scooped up quickly.

2. Develop an arsenal of recession-proof knowledge, techniques and strategies. Your mind is your most powerful asset. Now is the perfect time to put your brain into revenue boot camp! Commit to reading at least one article a day, a business book a week and attend one seminar per month. This may seem daunting, but business books are generally easy to read. Good seminars are filled with ideas and techniques and they're motivating. Increased motivation will make it easier to do the necessary steps to propel your success.

3. Make your body stronger. If you want to make millions (or billions), start treating your body like the multimillion dollar machine that it is. If you don't exercise, start. This will not only make you more fit physically, you'll look better, feel better and reduce stress. Already working out? Add something new. How about kick-boxing, or weight training? Making your body stronger will start the blood and endorphins flowing, allowing you to mentally perform better than ever.

4. Reduce stress. No one is immune from stress -- especially in this economy. But smart people implement a few powerful stress-busters. Yoga can lead to reduced stress, sounder sleep, lower blood pressure, and more. Be brave enough to attend a class and consider including your family. If I can't convince you about yoga, a few other suggestion: take a relaxing walk; give out 10 complements a day; make a point to laugh with (not at) your family and friends.

5. Prospect more. Now is the time to turn up the heat on prospecting. Sure, it makes sense that you're going to hear more rejection with a struggling economy, but there are lots of reasons to plow ahead. Foolish salespeople are going to cut back on prospecting and leaving a window open for disciplined people like you. The No. 1 reason that salespeople don't prospect is that they are afraid to hear "no." By working on your skills, you won't be hearing as many no's.

6. Diversify your prospects. If you're depending on one industry that's being hit hard by the slowdown, you're in big trouble. Diversification is smart financial advice and equally smart prospecting advice. If you think you're limited to one industry, look for other sales avenues within it. I worked with a concrete-mixer manufacturer during a challenged economy. Even though it seemed in direct conflict to our business, we got into the used-mixer business. Thank goodness we did. I ended up closing a deal that netted the company more than $500,000 and kept it financially viable during a time when other manufacturers were going out of business.

7. Make your product as financially appealing as possible. It's easier than ever for customers to say, "I'll have to think about it. I'm not sure we can afford it." Rather than start price-slashing, sharpen your sales skills to overcome predictable objections, such as cutbacks in budgets. Offering extended payment terms, discounts for larger purchases and even gifts with purchase are all proven strategies to boost business.

Countless people will create great wealth during this economy. Implementing these tips will help ensure that you're one of them.


Laura Laaman

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