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Dukung Indonesia Sejahtera Melalui Training GRATIS Salesmanship dengan Donasi Anda...

Kamis, Juli 17, 2008

Salesmanship Corner By Zig Ziglar - How to "Finish Well"

A few years ago my wife and I attended the musical, "Crazy For You." During the delightful performance I observed a great many important principles which should be applied by anyone seeking a happy and successful life. First, all 28 members of the cast gave their total effort from "hello" to "goodbye." Second, the enthusiasm of every performer was conspicuous. Third, regardless of the size of their part, each one gave a total effort. Fourth, their commitment to do their best was obvious and inspiring. Fifth, through their body language and smiles they encouraged each other. Sixth, their team spirit, including the stage hands' efforts during scenery changes, was absolutely phenomenal. Seventh, the confidence and trust they had for and in each other was wonderful. Example: Some performers fell backwards off the platform without looking into the waiting arms of their fellow performers. Eighth, their timing was absolutely magnificent. Ninth, they had fun performing. Tenth, their preparation was obvious. Eleventh, their enthusiasm and fun in performing increased our enjoyment in watching them.

To paraphrase Will Rogers, each of the performers knew what they were doing, believed in what they were doing, and loved what they were doing. To take it one step further, I would even say they had a passion for what they were doing - and it showed.

The elements that made the show successful are the same elements that can make your life successful. In concert, they amount to competence and professionalism. If we add these elements to our daily lives, our productivity will increase dramatically, our future will be infinitely brighter, employment security will be substantially improved, and we will "finish well." Think about it, take those steps and I'll SEE YOU AT THE TOP!

Zig Ziglar is a motivator and teacher. He is the author of 26 books and loved by millions of people world wide for his practical wisdom and his gift of hope.

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Halo Anton...

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